Story & Rhythm

 We're a wedding photographer and DJ team! We're all about fun and timeless photographs and epic wedding receptions for the modern bride.
 Based in Raleigh, NC. Available for travel.





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Part of the Pack

September 2, 2015

Sometimes we make quick decisions without fully thinking them through. I totally did when I decided to adopt our second puppy. Our oldest fur baby will be one on September 20th. She has turned into the sweetest little dog and when I saw that the breeder had more puppies from Pixie’s parents, I had to have one. Plus she had a male this time around. We drove straight to her house and put the deposit down on him! Fast forward a few weeks and lots of house training trouble later, I started thinking that we needed to rehome our little boy, Paxton.  Adjusting to have two dogs was almost like adjusting to have two children. Both puppies wanted attention at the same time. Both had to be fed, walked and played with. I felt like I couldn’t give them both the attention that they deserved. Especially when you throw in the girls and work. Now I realize that he doesn’t need rehoming, but just a little more patience. Thankfully, he is finding his place in our “pack” and is such a sweet little puppy who loves cuddling and having his head rubbed. It looks like he stuck with us for the long haul!

This was one of the first photos I took of Paxton when he came home!
Wedding photographer and DJ in Louisburg, NC_1434

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