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How to Sign Up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

September 27, 2018

There’s one day every month when Kee gets all excited about the mail lady stopping by the house! It’s a day when he knows that the package at the door is for him! It’s the day when he receives his book from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library! I learned about this awesome program from one of the Moms in our local Mom’s group! She told us how she had been receiving books in the mail for her daughter for the past few years! A new book each month! And the best part is that the books were free! Wow! It can’t be true! Who is going to send books in the mail for free?

After a bit of digging and researching, I learned that the program was legit and was totally free! Thankfully our county is included in the list of service areas! Brian and I signed Kee up for the book program and then waited for the first book to arrive. It took almost 8 weeks or so, but his 1st book arrived in the mail! A new book has been arriving once a month ever since! It’s so neat! Kee loves getting his very own special package each month and I love that we get a new book to enjoy during story time each month!

If you have a little one or a niece or nephew who loves to read or can use some new books, head over to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library website to check the availability for your area!

How to get free books for your kids Book program for babies Reading with your baby Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Book programs for babies

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