The older I get, the more I realize how important some things are in life! One of those things that I’ve found myself thinking more about lately is self-care! It sounds easy, right? Just take care of yourself! Make sure that you’re good each day! But between work, home and family, finding time to do a little self-care can be hard! I know that I constantly struggle with finding time to just relax and take care of myself!
There are so many things that can be included in the self-care category, but for me, there are 2 areas that I’ve decided to work on first! My fitness (this includes my diet) and my mental (think quiet time and relaxation)!
Getting into shape is one of those things that we always have on our list, but it always finds a way of getting pushed to the back! I know I’ve been saying how I’m going to lose weight, exercise more and eat healthier but somehow it never happens! It actually did happen a few years ago and I felt amazing but then along came Keegan and more life! One of my goals for the new year is to work on my physical fitness! And it’s not just about a number on the scale! I realize that the way I feel is so much more important than the number that shines back to me when I hop on the scale! I want to feel more fit, even with my fupa! I want to have the energy to walk up and down stairs without feeling that I’m going to pass out! I want to be able to try on clothing without leaving the dressing room upset that nothing fits! Fitness is so much more than a number for me! It’s part of my self-care regimen and something that I’ll always be working towards!
My next area of self-care includes my mental! You don’t realize how much you need quiet time until life gets super busy or you have kids! For me, it’s definitely the kids who drive me to need quiet time without a bunch of distractions! My goal is to spend more time reading the Bible, relaxing without devices and meditating! I might even start doing yoga!
I’d love to hear from you! What are some things that you do for self-care? Leave them below!
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