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Niya Turns 14

May 13, 2020

A letter to you on your birthday!

It’s so hard to believe that our Niya turns 14 today!! It’s been 14 years since my life changed forever! Although it feels like it was just yesterday! I found out that I was having a girl when I was about 5 months pregnant! I was certain that I was having a boy, but I was so excited to learn that you were a girl! The thought of dresses and headbands sounded fun! The night before my due date, I was sitting on the hood of my friend’s car when my water broke! We drove to the hospital and I had no idea what to expect! After about 13 hours of labor, you arrived!

Lots of hair, big brown eyes. You were a great baby! Being a parent was amazing those two days in the hospital! Back then, the nursery would watch our babies overnight so that we could sleep! So during the day, you were with me and at night, you went to the nursery! Little did I know that once we were home, there’d be no nursery taking you so that I could sleep!

I remember the first time you had one of those complete blow out diapers! OMG! You were sitting in your bouncer and somehow you had poop from your ear down to your knee! It was ridiculous! But we survived and I learned what to do if that ever happened again!

The first time that you jumped in a pool was fun! Your first time seeing snow was special! The first time you got a blowout in a hair salon was interesting!

Your first day going to preschool was a sweet day! You were so excited to make new friends! I was excited but scared at the same time! My little girl was growing up and I don’t think that I was ready! When you started kindergarten, things really took off and haven’t slowed down yet!

Celebrating with you for getting straight A’s in school has been fun! Watching you play in your first band recital was so much fun!

We’ve shared so many first over the years! We’re so blessed to have you! God knew that I needed even when I didn’t! Happy Birthday to our beautiful, smart, funny and very random question asking daughter! Niya turns 14 and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate with you today!

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