Story & Rhythm

 We're a wedding photographer and DJ team! We're all about fun and timeless photographs and epic wedding receptions for the modern bride.
 Based in Raleigh, NC. Available for travel.





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Accomplishing goals

June 11, 2014

I am one of those people who think about things I want to accomplish every day! I wake up in the morning and tell myself that I will clean the whole house today! Then I go to bed that night thinking I will clean the whole house tomorrow! It’s a never ending cycle of accomplishments that I want to complete but never actually do! Last week, I vowed to change that! Instead of thinking about accomplishing goals, I just do it!

I put together a list of a few goals that I want to accomplish before the end of the week!

1. Workout at least 3 days this week: It’s easier said than done! After not working out forever and watching Brian exercise everyday, I decided it was now or never! Plus I have this beautiful dress to be altered in a couple of weeks and I really want to lose a few pounds before then! I completed 3 days in the gym last week! I actually worked out 4 days last week! Yayy! So far I’ve completed 2 days this week!! 🙂

2. Blog more. Quality over quantity here! I want to share more of “us” with “you”!

3. Prepare for this weekend! Wedding prep starts early in our house! Brian will be the DJ and I’ll be the photographer for a beautiful couple in Goldsboro, North Carolina this weekend! This is going to be lots of fun!

4. Create name tags. We often get confused with the guest at a wedding! Well maybe it’s mostly me since it’s kind of hard to confuse Brian while he’s behind all of that DJ equipment! I decided to DIY a couple of name tags for our wedding this weekend!

5. Find a new dress for our wedding this weekend! Any excuse to shop is perfect for me! I will have to post what I find later!

I’m happy to say that I am well on my way with accomplishing these goals this week! Here’s a photo of the cutest little pink hearts that we received from Knot & Bow the other day! Total love!

pink heart stickers on Etsy

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