Story & Rhythm

 We're a wedding photographer and DJ team! We're all about fun and timeless photographs and epic wedding receptions for the modern bride.
 Based in Raleigh, NC. Available for travel.





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All About the Prints

November 23, 2014

It’s truly all about the prints! Well maybe not entirely, but prints are super important! So your wedding is over and you just received your USB drive in the mail! Yayyy, that is such an exciting time! But once you look through all of your beautiful wedding digital images, you realize that you now need something to do with all of these lovely photos! That is where prints come into the equation!

I know for us personally, we looked through all of wedding photos and I immediately started thinking of where I could hang this photo or that photo! I also thought about ways that I could share all of these amazing photos with our family and friends that didn’t involve Instagram or Facebook!

Having the digital photos is awesome, but it shouldn’t be the end of the road for your photographs! I believe that your photos deserve a pretty frame and place above your fireplace! I also believe that having a printed portrait to pass down to your children is amazing! So is having that beautiful leather album to keep for years to come, but we will chat about that later!! 🙂

We offer a wide variety and size of prints directly through out studio! Be sure to ask about our print options during your initial consultation in the studio! Happy printing everyone!

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